About us

Founded over 60 years ago, we are the local Branch of the British Cactus and Succulent Society based around the Macclesfield and Wilmslow areas of East Cheshire.
Through our meetings, shows, newsletter and wider activities we seek to promote the appreciation, study, conservation, propagation and cultivation of cacti and other succulent plants.
Our annual programme covers a wide range of cactus and succulent related topics to appeal to beginner and veteran alike. Most meetings consist of a talk illustrated with images, video and/or plants. There is also a competitive table show, a chance to chat over tea/coffee and biscuits, and usually plants for sale.
We organise special events such as greenhouse visits and exhibit at local shows.
Newcomers are always welcome, and membership is open to all.
Please do come along and visit us.
We have Branch Constitution, which can be downloaded here.

Branch responsibilities

President: Julia Davenport

Our Committee

Chair: Tony Leonard
Vice-Chair: Bryan Doherty
General Secretary: Ann Martin
Treasurer: Alan Ibbotson
Programme Secretary: Dave Marchbank
Show Secretary: Judith Roseblade
Ordinary Committee Members: Martin Lowry and Ann Moran

We also rely on a team of people who look after much of the day-to-day running of the Branch. These include:

Martin Lowry (Plant-of-the-Month competition)
Bruce Walton (RHS Tatton Park Show Subcommittee)
Bryan Doherty (Assistant Show Secretary, RHS Tatton Park Show Subcommittee)
Harold Cooper (RHS Tatton Park Show Subcommittee)
Judith Roseblade (Social Secretary, RHS Tatton Park Show Subcommittee)
Alan Ibbotson (Book Loans)
Phil Crewe (Website)
Tony Leonard (RHS Tatton Park Show Subcommittee)