At each meeting we have a mini show. There are six classes, four of which change from month to month. The other two are always cactus in flower and succulent in flower (any pot size). The changing four are made up of the groups listed below, each group being further split into two classes – one for plants in pots up to and including 9cm (3.5″) and one for those over 9cm (3.5″).
Anybody can bring plants to show but you are limited to a maximum of two plants per person per class.
April: Stenocactus group and Sedum subgroup
May: Opuntia group and Haworthia group
June: Rebutia group and Aloe group
July: Eriosyce group and Echeveria subgroup
August: Thelocactus group and Euphorbia group
September: Mammillaria group and Crassula subgroup
October: Echinopsis group and Mesembs (excluding Lithops subgroup)
November: Matucana group and Sempervivum subgroup
December: Rhipsalis group and Agave group
January: Gymnocalycium group and Anacampseros group
February: Astrophytum group and Lithops subgroup
March: Turbinicarpus group and Gasteria group